Who We Are

AASCW developed for the purpose of improving the apartment industry. Recognizing the vital role our members play in meeting the housing needs within our communities, our members have committed to supplying and maintaining multiple dwellings which will provide residents with health and life safety, with the human values of pride, dignity and security.

Our mission is to unite and serve area apartment owners, managers, investors and the community; and promote an environment in which members may successfully conduct their businesses while serving their residents and their communities with honesty, integrity, fairness and the highest degree of professionalism.


Code of EthicsĀ 

At AASCW we pride ourselves in the ability to help meet the housing needs of our community. We acknowledge our responsibility to our residents, to our community, and to our fellow housing providers to maintain the highest possible standards of quality and service.

We commit ourselves to supplying and maintaining multiple dwellings which will provide residents with health and life safety, and with the human values of pride, dignity and security.

Therefore as members of the Apartment Association of South Central Wisconsin, we commit ourselves to these ethical principles and standards:

  • We will uphold the highest standards of integrity, honesty and fairness
  • We will respect the rights of others
  • We will promote the spirit of, and comply with, all applicable Fair Housing Laws to achieve equal housing opportunities for all
  • We will continually strive to better the industry by promoting education and professionalism
  • We will properly maintain and safeguard all the property that comes under our care
  • We will preserve and enhance private property rights and the free enterprise system
  • We will comply with all federal, state, and local laws and regulations pertaining to our industry.
Proud Supporters

Become A Member!

Members of AASCW have access to education and training to the rental housing industry, a full time staff industry consultant to answer questions, legal forms and notices for rental property management, legislative representation and more!

If you are having trouble accessing your account, please contact AASCW at customerservice@aascw.org.

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